Welcome to the new home of

Atlas Neuropsychology
Dr. Ashley Gorman


“At Atlas Neuropsychology, we use a data-driven approach to provide you with a clear direction forward toward understanding, wellness, and growth.”

– Dr. Ashley Gorman

Dr. Ashley Gorman is a board-certified neuropsychologist specializing in adolescents and adults. She works closely with patients, their families, medical providers, and educators to assist in making an accurate diagnosis and formulating an appropriate treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

Empowered by the highest level of training and experience and guided by an empathic approach to care, we will help you gain insight into where you are now and where you can go next.

Dr Gorman’s Neuropsychology practice is now located in the Octagon Building at 1719 State Route 10 East in
Parsippany, NJ


We are passionate about providing the highest level of care to our patients. We want to make them feel they have come to the right place to receive an accurate diagnosis and helpful treatment recommendations in a compassionate and welcoming environment.

Our New Office

Octagon Building,
1719 State Route 10 East
Parsippany, New Jersey 07054



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