Neurological Disorders

Neurological Disorders

A neuropsychological evaluation is commonly used in patients with neurological conditions such as stroke, brain tumor, epilepsy, or infection such as Lyme disease. These patients often experience a range of cognitive symptoms and/or changes in their mood and behavior. A comprehensive assessment helps clinicians understand the full impact of neurological disease on a person’s cognitive, emotional, and psychological functioning. The evaluation involves a battery of standardized tests to assess various aspects of cognition, such as attention, memory, language, and executive functioning.

A neuropsychological evaluation can help individuals with neurological disorders in many ways. First, it can help clinicians make an accurate diagnosis. Many neurological disorders present with similar symptoms, and it can be challenging to distinguish between them. Neuropsychological evaluation helps in identifying the specific cognitive deficits that are associated with the neurological disorder, which can assist in making an accurate diagnosis.

Neuropsychological evaluation can help in creating an individualized treatment plan. The assessment provides information about the specific cognitive deficits that an individual has, which can guide clinicians in developing a personalized treatment plan that targets the individual’s specific needs. This can lead to more effective treatments and better outcomes.

Neuropsychological evaluation can help monitor improvements or declines in cognition. Many neurological disorders are progressive, and their effects on cognitive functioning can worsen over time. Tracking the course of cognitive and mood related symptoms can help patients and their medical providers make appropriate changes to treatment planning and overall care.

Dr. Gorman has experience working in major medical centers and evaluating individuals with a variety of neurological illness. She is committed to helping patients better understand their illness and maximize their quality of life.

Learning Disabilities

Medical Conditions resulting in brain fog or other changes in cognition or mood

Memory Disorders/Dementia

Mood and Behavioral Problems

Neurological Conditions